This is for my personal random 3D models.
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22 lines
480 B

include <cable_passage_dimensions.scad>
difference() {
// Base cylinder
difference() {
cylinder(h=h, r=d/2, center=true);
translate([0, 0, -t])
cylinder(h=h, r=d/2-t, center=true);
// Bore holes for PG-9
translate([0, 0, h/2])
for (y=[-1:1:1])
for (x=[-1:1:1])
if ( !((x == -1) && (y == 0)) && !((x == 1) && (y == 0)) )
translate([x*d_pg9_spacing, y*d_pg9_spacing, 0])
cylinder(h=h, r=d_pg9/2, center=true);