Updated 2 days ago

Updated 2 weeks ago

OpenSCAD 1 0

This is for my personal random 3D models.

Updated 2 years ago

Simon's and Max' camera steering hardware for the Raspberry Pi.

Updated 2 years ago

Small script, that allows to do the back of the napkin math if an electric vehicle is cheaper than a combustion car.

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

(SE) Självförsörjande PV-system utan förbinding till elnätet. (DE) Autarkes PV-System ohne Verbidung zum Stromnetz.

Updated 3 years ago

Simon's and Max' camera steering software.

Updated 3 years ago

Simon and Max's surveilance camera.

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Max' EDID generation implementation in C.

Updated 4 years ago

Max' EDID generation implementation in C.

Updated 4 years ago

Dockerized web application to conveniently convert SVG to LaTeX files.

Updated 4 years ago

These are some small BASIC programs I wrote for solving some common microwave engineering problems with the TI-84 Plus.

Updated 4 years ago

A Sailfish wordbook app good for a lot of languages, but in favor of German.

Updated 4 years ago

UppSense17- Open Source sensor for chemical analysis based on fuoresence.

Updated 4 years ago

This repository contains usefull shell scripts for daily use.

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 4 years ago