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\hypertarget{structos_t_c_b__t}{}\section{os\+T\+C\+B\+\_\+t Struct Reference}
{\ttfamily \#include $<$ostypes.\+h$>$}
\subsection*{Data Fields}
void($\ast$ {\bfseries fnc\+\_\+ptr} )(void $\ast$)
char {\bfseries name} \mbox{[}M\+A\+X\+\_\+\+S\+I\+Z\+E\+\_\+\+T\+A\+S\+K\+\_\+\+N\+A\+ME\mbox{]}
void $\ast$ {\bfseries arguments}
uint8\+\_\+t {\bfseries priority}
\hyperlink{ostypes_8h_ae410cf8fbf1704d3cedf2e2648b94a55}{os\+Task\+State\+\_\+t} {\bfseries state}
uint32\+\_\+t {\bfseries wake\+\_\+up}
\subsection{Detailed Description}
Struct representing the task control block.
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file\+:\begin{DoxyCompactItemize}