UppSense17- Open Source sensor for chemical analysis based on fuoresence.
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1ComponentWhere to find itPrice
2100 UV lightshttp://www.ebay.de/itm/100-LED-5mm-wasserklar-UV-ultraviolett-Schwarzlicht-/310921137069?hash=item4864580bad15.7 €
3Aquarium silicon??
4Glass for cuvetteAllehanda Glas Uppsala?
5Wooden plate??
6Old scannerDragos0 $
7PCB drillershttp://www.ebay.de/itm/10tlg-Micro-Bohrer-Platinenbohrer-Spiralbohrer-von-0-1-bis-1-0-mm-in-Kassette-/332077483124?hash=item4d515c4474:g:9SoAAOSw241YZ8M~10 €