UppSense17- Open Source sensor for chemical analysis based on fuoresence.
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// Main file to bring everything together.
// Author: Maximilian Stiefel
// Last modification: 29.06.2017
// Includes
// Dimesnions
include <dimensions.scad>
use <dimensions.scad>
// Module for the glass holder
include <glass_holder.scad>
use <glass_holder.scad>
// Module for the legs
include <legs.scad>
use <legs.scad>
// Module for the legs
include <led_illuminator.scad>
use <led_illuminator.scad>
// Vars
$fa = 0.5; // minimum facet angle is now 0.5
$fs = 0.5; // minimum facet size is now 0.5 mm
// Action
// Glass holder
translate([0, 0, holder_height/2 + leg_height -0.01])
//translate([0, 0, holder_height/2])
// Legs
translate([glass_slide_width/2 - leg_pos_x, 0, 0])
translate([-glass_slide_width/2 + leg_pos_x, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 0, 180])
translate([glass_slide_width/2 - led_pos_x, 0, led_illuminator_height/2 + 0.01])
translate([0, 0, (led_illuminator_height + allowance03)/2])
rotate([0, 180 ,0])