UppSense17- Open Source sensor for chemical analysis based on fuoresence.
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// Module for the box without lids just to structure the code a bit better.
// Author: Maximilian Stiefel
// Last modification: 20.07.2017
// Includes
// Dimesnions
include <dimensions.scad>
use <dimensions.scad>
// Module to make a nice round box
include <roundy.scad>
use <roundy.scad>
// Module for screw holes
include <screw_holes.scad>
use <screw_holes.scad>
// Module for orings
include <oring.scad>
use <oring.scad>
module box()
// Vars
// Action
// Main body
roundy(housing_outside_width, housing_outside_depth, housing_outside_height);
// Cut out all six sides
// Left and right
cube([housing_inside_width + 3*housing_thickness, lid_l_r_width, lid_l_r_height], center = true);
// Front and back
cube([lid_f_b_width, housing_inside_depth + 3*housing_thickness, lid_f_b_height], center = true);
// Top and bottom
cube([lid_t_b_width, lid_t_b_height, housing_inside_height + 3*housing_thickness], center = true);
// Cut deepenings for lids
// Left and right
for(x = [-1, 1])
translate([x*housing_outside_width/2 - x*lids_depth/2 + x*0.1, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
roundy(lid_l_r_x, lid_l_r_y, lids_depth + 0.2, center = true);
// Front and back
for(y = [-1, 1])
translate([0, y*housing_outside_depth/2 - y*lids_depth/2 + y*0.1, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
cube([lid_f_b_x, lid_f_b_y, lids_depth + 0.2], center = true);
// Top and bottom
for(z = [-1, 1])
translate([0, 0, z*housing_outside_height/2 - z*lids_depth/2 + z*0.1])
roundy(lid_t_b_x, lid_t_b_y, lids_depth + 0.2);
// Screw holes
// Left and right
for(x = [-1, 1])
translate([x*housing_outside_width/2 - x*drill_depth_m3, 0, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 90])
screw_holes(lid_l_r_holes_x, lid_l_r_holes_y, drill_thread_dia_m3, 2*lids_depth);
// Front and back
for(y = [-1, 1])
translate([0, y*housing_outside_depth/2 - y*drill_depth_m3, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
screw_holes(lid_f_b_holes_x, lid_f_b_holes_y, drill_thread_dia_m3, 2*lids_depth);
// Top and bottom
for(z = [-1, 1])
translate([0, 0, z*housing_outside_height/2 - z*drill_depth_m3])
screw_holes(lid_t_b_holes_x, lid_t_b_holes_y, drill_thread_dia_m3, 2*lids_depth);
// O-rings
// Left and right
for(x = [-1, 1])
translate([x*housing_outside_width/2 - x*lids_depth - x*oring_channel_depth/2, 0, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 90])
oring(oring_l_r_x, oring_l_r_y, oring_channel_width, oring_channel_depth);
// Front and back
for(y = [-1, 1])
translate([0, y*housing_outside_depth/2 - y*lids_depth - y*oring_channel_depth/2, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
oring(oring_f_b_x, oring_f_b_y, oring_channel_width, oring_channel_depth);
// Top and bottom
for(z = [-1, 1])
translate([0, 0, z*housing_outside_height/2 - z*lids_depth - z*oring_channel_depth/2])
oring(oring_t_b_x, oring_t_b_y, oring_channel_width, oring_channel_depth);