UppSense17- Open Source sensor for chemical analysis based on fuoresence.
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// Floor protection for cuvette.
// Author: Maximilian Stiefel
// Last modification: 12.06.2017
include <roundy.scad>
use <roundy.scad>
// Vars
// Allowance
allowance05 = 0.5;
allowance1 = 1;
allowance2 = 2;
// Dimensions cuvette
glass_thickness = 6;
cuvette_width = 180 + 2*glass_thickness + allowance2;
cuvette_depth = 50 + 2*glass_thickness + allowance2;
// Dimensions lid
lid_thickness = 4;
lid_width = 180 + 2*glass_thickness + 2*lid_thickness + allowance2;
lid_depth = 50 + 2*glass_thickness + 2*lid_thickness + allowance2;
lid_height = 20;
// My color for everything
myColor = "FireBrick";
// Action
// Basic lid
translate([0, 0, lid_height/2])
roundy(lid_width, lid_depth, lid_height, true);
translate([-lid_width/2 + 5, -lid_depth/2 + 2, lid_height/2])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height = 6, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = 0)
translate([0, 4, 0])
text("Etching Machine of the Embedded Systems Master", size = 6, valign = "center");
translate([0, -4, 0])
text("Designed by Maximilian Stiefel 2017", size = 6, valign = "center");
// Depening to put it over the cuvette
translate([0, 0, lid_height - lid_thickness])
cube([cuvette_width, cuvette_depth, lid_height], center = true);