UppSense17- Open Source sensor for chemical analysis based on fuoresence.
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## Local build configuration
## Parameters configured here will override default and ENV values.
## Uncomment and change examples:
## Add your source directories here separated by space
# MODULES = app
# EXTRA_INCDIR = include
## ESP_HOME sets the path where ESP tools and SDK are located.
## Windows:
# ESP_HOME = c:/Espressif
## MacOS / Linux:
# ESP_HOME = /opt/esp-open-sdk
## SMING_HOME sets the path where Sming framework is located.
## Windows:
# SMING_HOME = c:/tools/sming/Sming
## MacOS / Linux
# SMING_HOME = /opt/sming/Sming
## COM port parameter is reqruied to flash firmware correctly.
## Windows:
## MacOS / Linux:
# COM_PORT = /dev/tty.usbserial
## Com port speed
COM_SPEED = 460800
## Configure flash parameters (for ESP12-E and other new boards):
# SPI_MODE = dio
## SPIFFS options
# SPIFF_FILES = files
SPIFF_SIZE = 196608