UppSense17- Open Source sensor for chemical analysis based on fuoresence.
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// Module for a open box with rounded edges.
// Author: Maximilian Stiefel
// Last modification: 26.04.2017
module roundy(width, depth, height, center)
// Vars
edge_rounding = 8;
transx = -width/2;
transy = -depth/2;
transz = -height/2;
// Action
// Hull 4 cylinders
translate([transx, transy, transz])
// x=0, y=0
translate([edge_rounding, edge_rounding, 0])
cylinder(r = edge_rounding, h = height);
// x=width, y=0
translate([width - edge_rounding, edge_rounding, 0])
cylinder(r = edge_rounding, h = height);
// x=0, y=depth
translate([edge_rounding, depth - edge_rounding,0])
cylinder(r = edge_rounding, h = height);
//x=width, y=length
translate([width - edge_rounding, depth - edge_rounding,0])
cylinder(r = edge_rounding, h = height);