UppSense17- Open Source sensor for chemical analysis based on fuoresence.
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// Housing box for UppSense first tries.
// Author: Maximilian Stiefel
// Last modification: 26.04.3017
use <open_box.scad>
// Vars
allowance_pcb = 1;
allowance_glass = 0.5;
width = 50 + 2*allowance_pcb;
length = 80 + 2*allowance_pcb;
height = 45;
thickness = 5;
lid_depth = 5;
bolt_diameter = 5.5; // According to the Farnell datasheet
bolt_spacing = 5;
my_color = "DarkRed";
glass_width = 26;
glass_height = 2 + allowance_glass;
// Using my open box module for creating a simple box
color(my_color, 0.8)
open_box(length, width, height, thickness);
// Creating a depening for the lid
color(my_color, 0.9)
translate([thickness/2, thickness/2, height+1])
cube([length + thickness, width + thickness, lid_depth+1]);
// Cylindric holes for the PCBs
color(my_color, 1.0) translate([0, 0, thickness/2]){
translate([thickness + bolt_spacing, thickness + bolt_spacing, 0])
cylinder(r=bolt_diameter/2, h=thickness/2+1);
translate([length + thickness - bolt_spacing, thickness + bolt_spacing, 0])
cylinder(r=bolt_diameter/2, h=thickness/2+1);
translate([length + thickness - bolt_spacing, width + thickness - bolt_spacing, 0])
cylinder(r=bolt_diameter/2, h=thickness/2+1);
translate([thickness + bolt_spacing, width + thickness - bolt_spacing, 0])
cylinder(r=bolt_diameter/2, h=thickness/2+1);
color(my_color, 0.6) union(){
// Slots for glass slide
// Slot in the back
translate([length + thickness/2, thickness + (width - glass_width)/2, (height + thickness)/2])
cube([thickness, glass_width, glass_height]);
// Slot in the front
translate([-1, thickness + (width - glass_width)/2, (height + thickness)/2])
cube([thickness + 2, glass_width, glass_height]);
color(my_color, 0.8)
translate([thickness/2, thickness/2, height + 10])