library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity string_sender is port ( i_clk :in std_logic; i_send_clk :in std_logic; i_sent :in std_logic; i_reset_n :in std_logic; o_send :out std_logic; o_char :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end; architecture string_sender_rtl of string_sender is type z_sender_t is ( idle, init_transmission, wait_for_transmission_start, sending ); --Function to convert one char to std_logic_vector with 8 bit function f_char_to_vector( i_char : in character) return std_logic_vector is variable v_ret : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin v_ret := std_logic_vector( to_unsigned(natural(character'pos(i_char)),8) ); return v_ret; end function f_char_to_vector; begin string_sender_main_proc: process(i_clk) constant c_msg : string(1 to 13) := "Hello World!" & LF; variable v_ind : integer range 0 to c_msg'length := 1; variable v_old_clk : std_logic := '1'; variable z_sender : z_sender_t := idle; begin if rising_edge(i_clk) then if i_reset_n = '0' then v_ind := 1; v_old_clk := i_send_clk; z_sender := idle; o_send <= '0'; o_char <= (others => '0'); else case z_sender is when idle => if i_send_clk /= v_old_clk then v_old_clk := i_send_clk; z_sender := init_transmission; end if; when init_transmission => if i_sent = '1' then o_char <= f_char_to_vector(c_msg(v_ind)); o_send <= '1'; z_sender := wait_for_transmission_start; end if; when wait_for_transmission_start => if i_sent = '0' then o_send <= '0'; z_sender := sending; end if; when sending => if (i_sent = '1') then if v_ind = c_msg'length then v_ind := 1; -- String has been sent entirely -- Go back to IDLE z_sender := idle; else v_ind := v_ind + 1; z_sender := init_transmission; end if; end if; end case; end if; -- reset end if; -- clk end process string_sender_main_proc; end;