///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Housing box for UppSense first tries. // // Author: Maximilian Stiefel // Last modification: 26.04.3017 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// use ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vars ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// length = 50; width = 80; height = 45; thickness = 10; allowance = 1; lid_depth = 5; bolt_diameter = 4; bolt_spacing = 5; my_color = "SteelBlue"; union(){ // Using my open box module for creating a simple box color(my_color, 0.8) open_box(length, width, height, thickness, allowance); // Creating a depening for the lid color(my_color, 0.9) *translate([thickness/2, thickness/2, height]) cube([length + 2*allowance + thickness, width + 2*allowance + thickness, lid_depth]); // Cylindric holes for the PCB *color(my_color, 1.0) translate([0, 0, thickness/2]){ translate([thickness + bolt_spacing, bolt_spacing + thickness, 0]) cylinder(r=bolt_diameter/2, h=thickness/2+1); } *translate([0,0,0]) cube([90, thickness, 50]); }