///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Left holder part to anchor PCB with in the etching bath. // // Author: Maximilian Stiefel // Last modification: 17.06.2017 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vars ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dimesions holder holder_height = 160; holder_width = 15; holder_depth = 6; // Dimensions notch notch_height = 115; // Calculations to construct a triangle which can take a PCB biggest_pcb = 2; c = biggest_pcb + 1; x = c/sqrt(2); y = sqrt( pow(x,2) - pow(c/2,2) ); // General allowance allowance = 0.5; // Dimensions crossbar crossbar_height = 5 + allowance; crossbar_width = 5 + allowance; // Dimensions lid lid_thickness = 4; lid_slot_width = 8; // Dimensions neck neck_diameter = holder_depth; neck_height = lid_thickness + allowance; // Dimensions head head_width = holder_width; head_depth = holder_depth; head_height = 5; // Dimensions bar that PCB does not fall down bar_width = holder_width/2; bar_depth = 5; bar_height = 2; // Suitable for M3 screw thread hole_diameter = 2.5; // Air system diameter air_system = 10; // Height difference between notch for PCB and the actual holder height_diff_1 = holder_height - notch_height; // Width difference between crossbar and holder width_diff_1 = holder_width - crossbar_width; // My color for everything myColor = "FireBrick"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Action ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// color(myColor) difference() { union() { // Cube for the base holder cube([holder_width, holder_depth, holder_height], center = false); // Head translate([0, 0, holder_height + neck_height]) cube([head_width, head_depth, head_height]); // Neck translate([holder_width/2, holder_depth/2, holder_height]) cylinder(h = neck_height, r = neck_diameter/2); // Bar, that PCB does not fall translate([holder_width/2 - bar_width/2, -bar_depth, height_diff_1/2 - bar_height]) cube([bar_width, bar_depth, bar_height]); // Text translate([holder_width/2 + 3, holder_depth, 0.2*holder_height]) rotate([90,0,180]) linear_extrude(height = 3, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = 0) text("R", size = 10, valign = "center"); translate([holder_width, 0, (1/4)*height_diff_1 + 6]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) linear_extrude(height = 2, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = 0) text("M3", size = 3, valign = "center"); translate([0, holder_depth/2, holder_height/2]) rotate([90, -90, 270]) linear_extrude(height = 2, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = 0) text("Maximilian Stiefel 2017", size = 3, valign = "center"); } union() { // Cube for notch //translate([holder_width/2 - notch_width/2, -notch_depth +2, height_diff_1/2]) //cube([notch_width, notch_depth, notch_height], center = false); // Triangular notch translate([-c/2 + holder_width/2, -0.01, height_diff_1/2]) linear_extrude(height = notch_height, center = false) polygon(points=[[0,0],[c/2,y], [c,0]], paths = [[0,1,2]]); // Slots for crossbars translate([width_diff_1/2, -1, (1/4)*height_diff_1 - crossbar_height/2]) cube([crossbar_width, holder_depth + 2, crossbar_height], center = false); translate([width_diff_1/2, -1, (3/4)*height_diff_1 + notch_height - crossbar_height/2]) cube([crossbar_width, holder_depth + 2, crossbar_height], center = false); // Drill holes for screws translate([holder_width/2, holder_depth/2, (1/4)*height_diff_1]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 9, r = hole_diameter/2); translate([holder_width/2, holder_depth/2,(3/4)*height_diff_1 + notch_height]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 9, r = hole_diameter/2); // Holes for the air system translate([holder_width/2, holder_depth + 1, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(h = holder_depth + 2, r = air_system/2); } }