///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lid for cuvette with pcb holder slots and a possibility to put a heater. // // Author: Maximilian Stiefel // Last modification: 17.06.2017 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Includes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// include use include use ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Action ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// color(myColor) difference() { union() { // Basic lid translate([0, 0, lid_height/2]) roundy(lid_width, lid_depth, lid_height, true); //cube([lid_width, lid_depth, lid_height], center = true); translate([heater_pos, 0, lid_height - 1]) cylinder(h = heater_offset + 1, r = heater_diameter/2 + lid_thickness); // Uppsala University Logo translate([0, 5, lid_height]) linear_extrude(height = 1) scale(0.08) import("uppsla_university.dxf"); // Text translate([-lid_width/2 + 5, -lid_depth/2 + 2, lid_height/2]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(height = 6, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = 0) union() { translate([0, 4, 0]) text("Embedded Etcher", size = 6, valign = "center"); translate([0, -4, 0]) text("Revision 1.0", size = 6, valign = "center"); } } union() { // Depening to put it over the cuvette translate([0, 0, lid_height/2 - lid_thickness]) cube([cuvette_width, cuvette_depth, lid_height], center = true); // Hole for heater translate([heater_pos, 0, -1]) cylinder(h = heater_offset + lid_height + 2, r = heater_diameter/2); // Slot for the PCB holder arms translate([slot_pos, -slot_depth/2, 0]) cube([slot_width, slot_depth, slot_height], center = false); // Service holes translate([-lid_width/2 + lid_thickness + 5, -lid_depth/2 + lid_thickness + 3, (1/2)*lid_height]) cube([service_hole_width, service_hole_depth, service_hole_height]); translate([lid_width/2 - lid_thickness - service_hole_width -5, -lid_depth/2 + lid_thickness + 3, (1/2)*lid_height]) cube([service_hole_width, service_hole_depth, service_hole_height]); } }