EESchema Schematic File Version 2 LIBS:power LIBS:device LIBS:transistors LIBS:conn LIBS:linear LIBS:regul LIBS:74xx LIBS:cmos4000 LIBS:adc-dac LIBS:memory LIBS:xilinx LIBS:microcontrollers LIBS:dsp LIBS:microchip LIBS:analog_switches LIBS:motorola LIBS:texas LIBS:intel LIBS:audio LIBS:interface LIBS:digital-audio LIBS:philips LIBS:display LIBS:cypress LIBS:siliconi LIBS:opto LIBS:atmel LIBS:contrib LIBS:valves LIBS:myopamps LIBS:mydacs LIBS:mydcdcs LIBS:switches LIBS:mytactilesw LIBS:extension_board-cache EELAYER 25 0 EELAYER END $Descr A4 11693 8268 encoding utf-8 Sheet 35 37 Title "Power Connection and Regulation" Date "2017-11-16" Rev "" Comp "Uppsala University" Comment1 "" Comment2 "" Comment3 "" Comment4 "" $EndDescr $Comp L Barrel_Jack J5 U 1 1 5A15F131 P 4240 2510 F 0 "J5" H 4240 2720 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "Barrel_Jack" H 4240 2335 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "MyPowerConn:BARREL_JACK" H 4290 2470 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 4290 2470 50 0001 C CNN 1 4240 2510 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L LED D1 U 1 1 5A0AC005 P 5090 2610 F 0 "D1" H 5090 2710 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "LED" H 5090 2510 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "LEDs:LED_0603" H 5090 2610 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5090 2610 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "732-4971-1-ND" H 5090 2610 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 5090 2610 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp Text Notes 5730 2830 0 60 ~ 0 Power Indicating LED V18\n----------------------\nV_F = 3.2 V (typical)\nI = 5 mA (desired)\nR = 2.96 k (appr. 3 k, E24) $Comp L R R199 U 1 1 5A0AD655 P 5090 2970 F 0 "R199" V 5170 2970 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "3k" V 5090 2970 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" V 5020 2970 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5090 2970 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "311-3.0KGRCT-ND" V 5090 2970 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 5090 2970 -1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L GND #PWR0292 U 1 1 5A0AD8CE P 5090 3180 F 0 "#PWR0292" H 5090 2930 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 5090 3030 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5090 3180 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5090 3180 50 0001 C CNN 1 5090 3180 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text GLabel 5260 2410 2 60 Output ~ 0 V18 $Comp L L L1 U 1 1 5A0AFB54 P 5365 5345 F 0 "L1" V 5315 5345 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "L" V 5440 5345 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "MyInductors:WE-PD2-SMD-Power-Inductor" H 5365 5345 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5365 5345 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "732-1316-1-ND" V 5365 5345 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 5365 5345 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp $Comp L C C136 U 1 1 5A0B087F P 5640 5615 F 0 "C136" H 5665 5715 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "22u" H 5665 5515 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 5678 5465 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5640 5615 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "1276-2412-1-ND" H 5640 5615 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 5640 5615 -1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L C C137 U 1 1 5A0B15B3 P 5915 5615 F 0 "C137" H 5940 5715 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "22u" H 5940 5515 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 5953 5465 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5915 5615 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "1276-2412-1-ND" H 5915 5615 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 5915 5615 -1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L C C135 U 1 1 5A0B64DA P 4780 5545 F 0 "C135" H 4805 5645 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "22n" H 4805 5445 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 4818 5395 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 4780 5545 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "1276-1104-1-ND" H 4780 5545 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 4780 5545 0 1 -1 0 $EndComp $Comp L TS30011/12/13 U34 U 1 1 5A0B688D P 3715 5445 F 0 "U34" H 4365 4995 60 0000 C CNN F 1 "TS30011/12/13" H 3315 4995 60 0000 C CNN F 2 "QFN:QFN-16-1EP_3x3mm_Pitch0.5mm" H 3865 5445 60 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 3865 5445 60 0001 C CNN F 4 "TS30011-M050QFNRCT-ND" H 3715 5445 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 3715 5445 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L D_Schottky D2 U 1 1 5A0B72C0 P 5115 5615 F 0 "D2" V 5115 5740 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "D_Schottky" V 5115 5890 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Diodes_SMD:D_SOD-123" H 5115 5615 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5115 5615 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "1727-7332-1-ND" V 5115 5615 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 5115 5615 0 1 1 0 $EndComp Text GLabel 1830 5145 0 60 Input ~ 0 V18 $Comp L GND #PWR0293 U 1 1 5A0B8173 P 5115 5940 F 0 "#PWR0293" H 5115 5690 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 5115 5790 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5115 5940 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5115 5940 50 0001 C CNN 1 5115 5940 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text GLabel 5915 5170 1 60 UnSpc ~ 0 FB Text GLabel 2965 5545 0 60 UnSpc ~ 0 FB $Comp L GND #PWR0294 U 1 1 5A0B8CE5 P 4690 5160 F 0 "#PWR0294" H 4690 4910 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 4690 5010 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 4690 5160 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 4690 5160 50 0001 C CNN 1 4690 5160 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L GND #PWR0295 U 1 1 5A0BC4D5 P 1985 5940 F 0 "#PWR0295" H 1985 5690 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 1985 5790 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 1985 5940 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 1985 5940 50 0001 C CNN 1 1985 5940 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L C C134 U 1 1 5A0BC504 P 2535 5525 F 0 "C134" H 2560 5625 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "10n" H 2560 5425 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 2573 5375 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 2535 5525 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "311-1085-1-ND" H 2535 5525 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 2535 5525 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L C C133 U 1 1 5A0BC63E P 2260 5525 F 0 "C133" H 2285 5625 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "100n" H 2285 5425 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 2298 5375 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 2260 5525 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "311-1088-1-ND" H 2260 5525 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 2260 5525 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L C C132 U 1 1 5A0BC687 P 1985 5525 F 0 "C132" H 2010 5625 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "10u" H 2010 5425 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 2023 5375 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 1985 5525 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "490-6403-6-ND" H 1985 5525 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 1985 5525 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text GLabel 6115 5345 2 60 Output ~ 0 V5 Text Notes 4910 4875 0 60 ~ 0 A low ESR is required for the output capacitors. $Comp L R R197 U 1 1 5A0C01F9 P 4040 6395 F 0 "R197" V 4120 6395 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "10k" V 4040 6395 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" V 3970 6395 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 4040 6395 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "311-10KGRCT-ND" V 4040 6395 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 4040 6395 0 1 -1 0 $EndComp Text GLabel 4260 6395 2 60 UnSpc ~ 0 3V3 $Comp L LED D4 U 1 1 5A0C1EDB P 8770 4200 F 0 "D4" H 8770 4300 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "LED" H 8770 4100 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "LEDs:LED_0603" H 8770 4200 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8770 4200 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "732-4971-1-ND" H 8770 4200 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 8770 4200 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp $Comp L R R201 U 1 1 5A0C1EE2 P 8770 4560 F 0 "R201" V 8850 4560 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "360R" V 8770 4560 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" V 8700 4560 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8770 4560 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "311-20GRCT-ND " V 8770 4560 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 8770 4560 -1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L GND #PWR0296 U 1 1 5A0C1EE8 P 8770 4770 F 0 "#PWR0296" H 8770 4520 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 8770 4620 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 8770 4770 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8770 4770 50 0001 C CNN 1 8770 4770 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text GLabel 8770 3880 1 60 UnSpc ~ 0 V5 Text Notes 8970 4330 0 60 ~ 0 Power Indicating LED V5\n----------------------\nV_F = 3.2 V (typical)\nI = 5 mA (desired)\nR = 360 R (E24) $Comp L R R198 U 1 1 5A0D7E56 P 4810 2410 F 0 "R198" V 4890 2410 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "0R" V 4810 2410 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 4740 2410 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 4810 2410 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "311-0.0ERCT-ND" V 4810 2410 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 4810 2410 0 1 1 0 $EndComp Text Notes 4065 1985 0 60 ~ 0 1206 resistor footprint for being able to solder in a switch (housing) in a\nlater revision. $Comp L TEST TP1 U 1 1 5A0DAD3B P 3460 6395 F 0 "TP1" H 3460 6695 50 0000 C BNN F 1 "PG" H 3460 6645 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "MyTestpoints:TP_SMD_quadr_1mm" H 3460 6395 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 3460 6395 50 0001 C CNN 1 3460 6395 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 5090 3120 5090 3180 Wire Wire Line 5090 2820 5090 2760 Wire Wire Line 4565 5345 5215 5345 Wire Wire Line 4630 5545 4565 5545 Wire Wire Line 4930 5545 5015 5545 Wire Wire Line 5015 5545 5015 5345 Connection ~ 5015 5345 Wire Wire Line 5915 5170 5915 5465 Wire Wire Line 5640 5345 5640 5465 Connection ~ 5640 5345 Wire Wire Line 5115 5465 5115 5345 Connection ~ 5115 5345 Wire Wire Line 5115 5765 5115 5940 Wire Wire Line 5640 5765 5640 5870 Wire Wire Line 5115 5870 5915 5870 Wire Wire Line 5915 5870 5915 5765 Connection ~ 5115 5870 Connection ~ 5640 5870 Connection ~ 5915 5345 Wire Wire Line 4690 5160 4690 5145 Wire Wire Line 4690 5145 4565 5145 Wire Wire Line 5515 5345 6115 5345 Wire Wire Line 1830 5145 2965 5145 Wire Wire Line 1985 5145 1985 5375 Wire Wire Line 2260 5375 2260 5145 Connection ~ 2260 5145 Wire Wire Line 2535 5375 2535 5145 Connection ~ 2535 5145 Wire Wire Line 2535 5865 2535 5675 Wire Wire Line 1985 5865 2715 5865 Wire Wire Line 1985 5675 1985 5940 Connection ~ 1985 5865 Wire Wire Line 2260 5675 2260 5865 Connection ~ 2260 5865 Wire Wire Line 2715 5865 2715 5345 Wire Wire Line 2715 5345 2965 5345 Connection ~ 2535 5865 Connection ~ 1985 5145 Wire Wire Line 4260 6395 4190 6395 Wire Wire Line 3765 6395 3765 5995 Wire Wire Line 8770 4710 8770 4770 Wire Wire Line 8770 4410 8770 4350 Wire Wire Line 8770 3880 8770 4050 Wire Wire Line 4540 2410 4660 2410 Wire Wire Line 4680 3150 5090 3150 Wire Wire Line 4680 2510 4540 2510 Connection ~ 5090 3150 Wire Wire Line 4680 2510 4680 3150 Wire Wire Line 4540 2610 4680 2610 Connection ~ 4680 2610 Wire Wire Line 3460 6395 3890 6395 Connection ~ 3765 6395 $Comp L TEST TP2 U 1 1 5A0DBBC6 P 5090 2385 F 0 "TP2" H 5090 2685 50 0000 C BNN F 1 "V18" H 5090 2635 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "MyTestpoints:TP_SMD_quadr_1mm" H 5090 2385 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5090 2385 50 0001 C CNN 1 5090 2385 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 4960 2410 5260 2410 Connection ~ 5090 2410 Wire Wire Line 5090 2385 5090 2460 NoConn ~ 4565 5745 $Comp L TEST TP4 U 1 1 5A0DE668 P 8465 3925 F 0 "TP4" H 8465 4225 50 0000 C BNN F 1 "V5" H 8465 4175 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "MyTestpoints:TP_SMD_quadr_1mm" H 8465 3925 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8465 3925 50 0001 C CNN 1 8465 3925 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 8770 3980 8465 3980 Wire Wire Line 8465 3980 8465 3925 Connection ~ 8770 3980 Text GLabel 2100 2800 2 60 Output ~ 0 V18 $Comp L Conn_02x05_Odd_Even J4 U 1 1 5A0E751D P 1650 3000 F 0 "J4" H 1700 3300 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "Conn_02x05_Odd_Even" H 1700 2700 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_2x05_Pitch2.54mm" H 1650 3000 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 1650 3000 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "TSW-105-07-G-D" H 1650 2700 60 0000 C CNN "Samtec" 1 1650 3000 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 1950 2800 2100 2800 Wire Wire Line 2050 2650 2050 3200 Wire Wire Line 2050 3200 1950 3200 Connection ~ 2050 2800 Wire Wire Line 1950 2900 2050 2900 Connection ~ 2050 2900 Wire Wire Line 1950 3000 2050 3000 Connection ~ 2050 3000 Wire Wire Line 1950 3100 2050 3100 Connection ~ 2050 3100 Wire Wire Line 2050 2650 1350 2650 Wire Wire Line 1350 2650 1350 3200 Wire Wire Line 1350 3200 1450 3200 Wire Wire Line 1450 3100 1350 3100 Connection ~ 1350 3100 Wire Wire Line 1450 3000 1350 3000 Connection ~ 1350 3000 Wire Wire Line 1450 2900 1350 2900 Connection ~ 1350 2900 Wire Wire Line 1450 2800 1350 2800 Connection ~ 1350 2800 Text Notes 1000 2550 0 60 ~ 0 Power connector for extension board (LEDs). Text Notes 1600 4865 0 60 ~ 0 With this step-down converter the STM board is powered. $Comp L LED D3 U 1 1 5A0EF3DB P 8740 2330 F 0 "D3" H 8740 2430 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "LED" H 8740 2230 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "LEDs:LED_0603" H 8740 2330 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8740 2330 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "732-4971-1-ND" H 8740 2330 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 8740 2330 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp $Comp L R R200 U 1 1 5A0EF3E2 P 8740 2690 F 0 "R200" V 8820 2690 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "20R" V 8740 2690 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" V 8670 2690 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8740 2690 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "311-20GRCT-ND " V 8740 2690 60 0001 C CNN "Digikey" 1 8740 2690 -1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L GND #PWR0297 U 1 1 5A0EF3E8 P 8740 2900 F 0 "#PWR0297" H 8740 2650 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 8740 2750 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 8740 2900 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8740 2900 50 0001 C CNN 1 8740 2900 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text GLabel 8740 2010 1 60 UnSpc ~ 0 3V3 Text Notes 8940 2460 0 60 ~ 0 Power Indicating LED 3V3\n----------------------\nV_F = 3.2 V (typical)\nI = 5 mA (desired)\nR = 20 R (E24) Wire Wire Line 8740 2840 8740 2900 Wire Wire Line 8740 2540 8740 2480 Wire Wire Line 8740 2010 8740 2180 $Comp L TEST TP3 U 1 1 5A0EF3F3 P 8435 2055 F 0 "TP3" H 8435 2355 50 0000 C BNN F 1 "3V3" H 8435 2305 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "MyTestpoints:TP_SMD_quadr_1mm" H 8435 2055 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8435 2055 50 0001 C CNN 1 8435 2055 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 8740 2110 8435 2110 Wire Wire Line 8435 2110 8435 2055 Connection ~ 8740 2110 Text GLabel 5025 3960 3 60 UnSpc ~ 0 3V3 $Comp L PWR_FLAG #FLG0298 U 1 1 5A107991 P 5025 3960 F 0 "#FLG0298" H 5025 4035 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "PWR_FLAG" H 5025 4110 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5025 3960 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5025 3960 50 0001 C CNN 1 5025 3960 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text GLabel 5475 3960 3 60 UnSpc ~ 0 V18 $Comp L PWR_FLAG #FLG0299 U 1 1 5A107A22 P 5475 3960 F 0 "#FLG0299" H 5475 4035 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "PWR_FLAG" H 5475 4110 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5475 3960 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5475 3960 50 0001 C CNN 1 5475 3960 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text Notes 4830 3720 0 60 ~ 0 Tell Kicad, that these voltages are externally driven. Text Notes 4060 1605 0 60 ~ 0 Current Rating (IPC 2221)\n----------------------\nMax. Expected Current = 64 * 0.05 A = 3.2 A \nAbs. Max. Current (dT = 10 K, W = 1.6 mm) = 3.36 A Text Notes 1700 6650 0 60 ~ 0 4.5 V to 24 V, max. 1A, 1 MHz $EndSCHEMATC